Newton Consulting Group Inc. is one of the world's leading business communication and brand strategy consulting company that provides brand strategy, brand consultancy services and branding solutions to create brands of the future.
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Our Philosophy


“I know that I don’t know”

We do not claim to know it all! And this reflected in Newton’s philosophy is differentiated in comparison to other competing brand consultancy companies, that know it all.

The philosophy is in alignment with a belief that every business action, brand at work, or brand strategy; is a result of thorough research, analysis, and diagnosis.

As Newton Consulting Group Inc.’s corporate philosophy goes; while engaging with potential and existing brand consulting clients, Newtonites do not speak about their experience-based knowledge or give opinions to impress that we are knowledgeable or experienced.

Newtonites suggest and recommend brand strategy directions on the basis of custom data and logic accrued from research, and the diagnosis for a rational outcome is accrued from such a process.

Newton's Philosophy

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